Saturday, May 14, 2016

Be Very Careful ...

I have lost some friends recently.

I will not condemn them for who they are.  I will only stand strong in my beliefs and behind the children who are mine and whom I love.

Be careful in this life about who you judge.  Be very careful to judge my children or me.  I am tolerant of many things, but I will never allow any other human being to decide if who my children are is "right" or if who I am is "right".  I am careful to allow for your beliefs and for you to express your beliefs ... until that day that your beliefs or your expressions harm me or anyone that I love.

I often question myself.  I often question where is the line of tolerance?  I want to love, even the intolerant, but how do I do that?  Do I allow for bigotry?  Do I allow racism?  Do I allow expression when it is hurtful and mean and destructive?  How do I love everyone even when they are filled with so much hate toward and about things and people that are so dear to me?

I have gay children.
I have a transgender child.

All I know is that I love all my children and I will do whatever it takes to protect them and their rights.

I will do whatever it takes to prevent anyone from harming them.

Even if it means losing friends and family.
Even if it means fighting governments.
Even if it means laying love down to pave a path for them.

Because, somewhere in all of this --- there is right and wrong and I believe that God, the God I know and love, knows that the meek will inherit the Earth.  The God I know and love ... loves my children. And my beliefs in my children and my love for my children is a thousand times stronger and more powerful than your hate for them ... <3

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